- Nerthusv5 database
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- Nerthusv5 database
- Nerthusv5 database
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- Nerthusv5 database
de la Cruz Cabanillas, I. and J. Martín Arista (eds.) 2001. Lingüística Histórica Inglesa. Barcelona: Ariel.
- García Fernández, L. 2020. Lemmatising Old English on a relational database. Preterite-present, contracted, anomalous and strong VII verbs. Munich: Utzverlag.
- García García, L. 2005. Germanische Kausativbildung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Butler, C. and J. Martín Arista (eds.) 2009. Deconstructing Constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Guerrero Medina, P. (ed.) 2011. Morphosyntactic Alternations in English. Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. Sheffield/Oakville: Equinox.
- Guerrero Medina, P, R. Torre Alonso and R. Vea Escarza (eds.). 2018. Verbs, Clauses and Constructions: Functional and Typological Approaches. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
- Martín Arista, J., R. Torre Alonso, A. Canga Alonso and I. Medina Barco (eds.). 2012. Convergent Approaches on Mediaeval English Language and Literature. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2020. Transitivising Mechanisms in Old English: Preverbs versus the Deverbal Causative Formation. Munich: Utzverlag.
Contributions to collective works
- de la Cruz Cabanillas, I. 2013. On the evolution of some Old English prefixes: the case of sam-. In Nila Vázquez (ed.), Creation and Use of Historical Linguistic Corpora in Spain. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. 225-244.
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2020. Old English verbs denoting locomotion: meaning components and syntactic behaviour. In N. Lavidas, A. Bergs & E. van Gelderen (eds.), The Naxos Papers, Volume I: On the Diachrony of English. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 38-50.
- García García. L. 2012. Old English jan-causatives: between grammar and lexicon. In J. Martín, R. Torre Alonso, A. Canga Alonso and I. Medina Barco (eds.), Convergent Approaches on Mediaeval English Language and Literature. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. 13-28.
- García García, L. 2016. Derivational simplification in verbs in the Lindisfarne Gospel, in J. Fernández Cuesta and S. Pons (eds). The Old English Gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels. Language, Author and Context. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 189-212.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2020. Pilot Study on Old English Superlative Adverbs Lemmatisation, in Nikolaos Lavidas, Alexander Bergs & Elly van Gelderen (eds.) The Naxos Papers, Volume I: On the Diachrony of English. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 50-61.
- Martín Arista, J. 2008. Unification and separation in a functional theory of morphology. In R. Van Valin (ed.), Investigations of the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 119-145.
- Martín Arista, J. 2009. A Typology of Morphological Constructions. In C. Butler and J. Martín Arista (eds.), Deconstructing Constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 85-115.
- Martín Arista, J. 2010. Building a lexical database of Old English: issues and landmarks. In J. Considine (ed.), Current projects in historical lexicography. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 1-33.
- Martín Arista, J. 2011. Morphological relatedness and zero alternation in Old English. In P. Guerrero Medina (ed.), Morphosyntactic Alternations in English. Sheffield/Oakville: Equinox. 339-362.
- Martín Arista, J. 2012. Morfología flexiva en RRG. In R. Mairal, L. Guerrero and C. González (eds.), El funcionalismo en la teoría lingüística. Madrid: Akal Universitaria. 43-58.
- Martín Arista, J. 2013. Old English Lexical Primes: Corpus Analysis and Database Compilation. In N. Vázquez (ed.), Creation and Use of Historical Linguistic Corpora in Spain. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. 335-357.
- Martín Arista, J. 2018. The design and implementation of a pilot parallel corpus of Old English. In M. Ogura and H. Sauer, with M. Hosaka (eds.) Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature. Berlin: Peter Lang. 111-134.
- Martín Arista, J. 2021. Word alignment in a parallel corpus of Old English prose: From asymmetry to inter-syntactic annotation. In Julia Lavid-López, Carmen Maíz-Arévalo and Juan Rafael Zamorano-Mansilla (eds.) Corpora in Translation and Contrastive Research in the Digital Age: Recent advances and explorations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 76-100.
- Martín Arista, J. 2022. The syntax and semantics of the Old English predicative construction. In Nikolaos Lavidas and Kiki Nikiforidou (eds.) Studying Language Change in the 21st Century. Theory and Methodologies. Leiden: Brill. 102-132.
- Martín Arista, J. and F. Cortés Rodríguez. 2014. From directionals to telics: meaning construction, word-formation and grammaticalization in Role and Reference Grammar. In M. A. Gómez González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez and F. Gonzálvez García (eds.), Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 229-250.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2019. The Old English verbal prefixes for- and ge-: Their effects on the transitivity of morphological causative pairs. In M. Cennamo and C. Fabrizio (eds.), Historical Linguistics 2015. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 217-241.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2012. Recursive suffixation in the formation of Old English nouns. In J. Martín, R. Torre Alonso, A. Canga Alonso and I. Medina Barco (eds.), Convergent Approaches on Mediaeval English Language and Literature. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. 63-86.
- Vázquez González, J. G. 2015. ‘Thou com'st in such a questionable shape’: Embodying the cultural model for ghost across the history of English, In J.E. Díaz Vera (ed.), Metaphor and Metonymy across Time and Cultures. On the Sociohistorical Linguistics of Figurative Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 319-348.
- VázquezGonzález, J.G. 2022. Los evangelios como corpus paralelo para la reconstrucción del protogermánico. In P.G. Medina and S. D. Alarcón (eds.). Herramientasteóricas y fundamentos metodológicos en Filología y Traducción. Uco Press. McGraw Hill. 49-66.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2021. Old English verbs of ‘envy’: class membership and grammatical behaviour. In P. J. Grund and M. E. Hartman (eds.), Studies in the History of the English Language VIII: Boundaries and Boundary-Crossings in the History of English. De Gruyter Mouton. 187-208.
Journal articles
- Caballero González, L., E. González Torres, A. Ibáñez Moreno and J. Martín Arista. 2004-2005. Predicados verbales primitivos y derivados en inglés antiguo. Implicaciones para la elaboración de una base de datos léxica. RESLA-Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. 17-18: 35-49.
- de la Cruz Cabanillas, I. 2007. Semantic primes in Old English: a preliminary study of descriptors. SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval Language and Literature 14: 37-58.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2013. The morphological and semantic type of loss Old English adjectives. Miscelanea. A Journal of English and American Studies 47: 81-101.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2021. The Semantic Map of Aktionsart and Lexical Entailment of Old English Strong Verbs. Journal of English Studies. Forthcoming.
- García Fernández, L. 2020. A contribution to Old English lexicography: Ūtgangan, wiðhealdan, oferscēadan, onbefeallan and ongangan. NOWELE 73/2: 236-251.
- García Fernández, L. 2020. Sources and steps of corpus lemmatization. Old English anomalous verbs. RESLA-Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 33 (2): 416-442.
- García García, L. 2012. Morphological causatives in Old English: the quest for a vanishing formation. Transactions of the Philological Society 110 (1): 112-148.
- García García, L. 2013. Lexicalization and morphological simplification in Old English jan-causatives: some open questions. Sprachwissenschaft 38 (2): 245-264.
- García García, L. 2019. The basic valency orientation of Old English and the causative ja-formation: a synchronic and diachronic approach. English Language and Linguistics 24(1): 153-177.
- García García, L. and E. Ruiz Narbona. 2012. Labile verbs and word-order in early Middle English: An initial study. SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval Language and Literature 19: 59-80.
- García García, L. and E. Ruiz Narbona. 2021. The Evolution of Labile Verbs in Old English: A Diachronic Textual Study. Anglia: Journal of English Philology. 139/2: 1-45.
- González Torres, E. 2010. The Continuum Inflection-Derivation and the Old English suffixes -a, -e, -o, -u. ATLANTIS 32.1: 103-122.
- González Torres, E. 2010. The bases of derivation of Old English affixed nouns: status and category. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia. 46/2: 21-43.
- González Torres, E. 2011. Morphological complexity, recursiveness and templates in the formation of Old English nouns. Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 19: 45-70.
- Guarddon Anelo, M. C. 2009. Un análisis de las propiedades combinatorias de los primitivos semánticos a través de las adposiciones complejas en inglés antiguo. Revista Española de Lingüística 39/2: 93-122.
- Guarddon Anelo, M. C. 2009. The Natural Semantic Metalanguage of Old English Compound Adpositions. ES-Revista de Filología Inglesa 30: 61-83.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2020. The lemmatisation of Old English comparative adverbs. RÆL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada,19(2): 1-23
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. A corpus-based approach to the lemmatisation of old English superlative adverbs. Journal of English Studies. Forthcoming.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2010. The Subjective and Objective Functions in Old English Deverbal Formations. RAEL 9: 201-215.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2011. Lexical Operations and High-Level Syntactic Operations with Old English -a, -e, -o, and -u. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 6: 243-259.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2012. Morphological relatedness and the grammaticalization of Old English -bora. RAEL 11: 137-149.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2013. The derivational map of Old English and the limits of gradual derivation. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 8: 198-213.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. Old English verbs of depriving: the semantics and syntax of possession transfer. Studia Neophilologica. https://doi.org/10.1080/00393274.2021.1879672.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. Old English verbs of learning: information and knowledge acquisition. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 16: 123-141.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. Old English verbs of learning: information and knowledge acquisition. SELIM 26: 25-56.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. Old English verbs of learning in Role and Reference Grammar. Argumental Effector and peripheral Source. RESLA-Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. Forthcoming.
- Maíz Villalta, G. 2010. The formation of Old English adverb: structural description and functional explanation. Miscelanea. A Journal of English and American Studies 41: 37-57.
- Maíz Villalta, G. 2011. Assessing the productivity of the Old English -læcan. Miscelanea. A Journal of English and American Studies 43: 55-72.
- Maíz Villalta, G. 2012. Low Productivity indexes: the Old English verbal suffixes -ettan and -læcan. RESLA-Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 25: 117-131.
- Martín Arista, J. 2010. Lexical negation in Old English. NOWELE-North-Western European Language Evolution 60/61: 89-108.
- Martín Arista, J. 2011. Projections and Constructions in Functional Morphology. The Case of Old English HRĒOW. Language and Linguistics 12/2: 393-425.
- Martín Arista, J. 2011. Adjective formation and lexical layers in Old English. English Studies 92/3: 323-344.
- Martín Arista, J. 2012. The Old English Prefix Ge-: A Panchronic Reappraisal. Australian Journal of Linguistics 32/4: 411-433.
- Martín Arista, J. 2012. Lexical database, derivational map and 3D representation. RESLA-Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (Extra 1): 119-144.
- Martín Arista, J. 2013. Recursivity, derivational depth and the search for Old English lexical primes. Studia Neophilologica 85/1: 1-21.
- Martín Arista, J. 2014. Noun layers in Old English. Asymmetry and mismatches in lexical derivation. Nordic Journal of English Studies 13(3): 160-187.
- Martín Arista, J. 2017. El paradigma derivativo del inglés antiguo: alternancias, recursividad y desajustes en la formación basada en los verbos fuertes. Onomazeín 37: 144-169.
- Martín Arista, J. 2018. The Semantic Poles of Old English.Toward the 3D Representation of Complex Polysemy. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 33(1): 96-111.
- Martín Arista, J. 2019. Another Look at Old English Zero Derivation and Alternations. ATLANTIS 41/1: 163-182.
- Martín Arista, J. 2020. Old English Rejoice verbs. Derivation, grammatical behaviour and class membership. POETICA 93: 133–153.
- Martin Arista, J. 2020. Further remarks on the deflexion and grammaticalization of the Old English past participle with habban. International Journal of English Studies, 20(1): 51-71.
- Martín Arista, J. 2022. Toward the morpho-syntactic annotation of an Old English corpus with Universal Dependencies. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 17: 85-97.
- Martin Arista, J. 2022. Old English morphological inflection generation with UniMorph. Assessment with a relational database and training guidelines. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 68: 61-70.
- Martín Arista, J. 2024. Toward a Universal Dependencies Treebank of Old English: Representing the Morphological Relatedness of Un-Derivatives. Languages 9(3): 76.
- Martín Arista, J. and V. Martín de la Rosa. 2006. Old English Semantic Primes: Substantives, Determiners and Quantifiers. ATLANTIS 17: 9-28.
- Martín Arista, J. and R. Vea Escarza. 2016. Assessing the semantic transparency of Old English affixation: adjective and noun formation. English Studies 91/1: 61-77.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2018. The adjectival and verbal participle with “bēon” in Old English. A morpho-syntactic analysis. Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature-SELIM 23: 27-53.
- Martín Arista, J. and Ana Elvira Ojanguren López. 2018. Grammaticalization and deflexion in progress. The past participle in the Old English passive. Studia Neophilologica 90(2): 155-175.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2012. The Old English adjectival suffixes -cund and -isc: textual occurrences and productivity. ES-Revista de Filología Inglesa 33: 197-213.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2013. The Old English exponent for the semantic prime TOUCH. Descriptive and methodological questions. Australian Journal of Linguistics 33: 4: 449-466.
- Mateo Mendaza, 2014. R. The Old English adjectival affixes ful- and –ful: a text-based account on productivity. NOWELE-North-Western European Language Evolution 67.1: 77-94
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2015. Matching productivity indexes and diachronic evolution. The Old English affixes ful-, -isc, -cund and -ful. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 60(1): 1-24.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2016. The search for Old English semantic primes: the case of HAPPEN. Nordic Journal of English Studies. 15(1): 71-99
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2016. The Old English exponent for the semantic prime MOVE. Australian Journal of Linguistics. 36(4): 542-559.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2020. Semantic Primes in Historical Languages. The identification of the Old English Exponent for DO. Journal of English Studies 18: 125-152.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2021. Identifying the Old English exponent for the semantic prime LIVE. SELIM-Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, 26: 85-107
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2017. On the applicability of the Dictionaries of Old English. Journal of English Studies 15: 173-191.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2017. Strong Verb Lemmas from a Corpus of Old English. Advances and Issues. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 12: 65-76.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2018. From traditional to electronic lexicography: the Dictionaries of Old English. Lexicography 4/7: 1-15.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2014. The role of derivational paradigms with adjectival base in Old English word-formation. Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas 9: 45-54.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2015. Old English Deadjectival Paradigms. Productivity and Recursivity. NOWELE-North-Western European Language Evolution 68/1: 61-80.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2016. Old English suffixation. Content and transposition. English Studies 97: 638-655.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2016. Morphological relatedness and the typology of adjectival formation in Old English. Studia Neophilologica 88/1: 43-55.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2017. The Types and Categories of Old English Recursive Compounding. Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas 12: 77-96.
- Novo Urraca, C. and L. Pesquera Fernández. 2015. Alternation vs. Allomorphic Variation in Old English Word-Formation: Evidence from the Derivational Paradigm of Strong Verbs. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 49: 63-82.
- Novo Urraca, C. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2018. Lemmatising Treebanks. Corpus Annotation with Knowledge Bases. RAEL: Revista electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 17 (1): 99-120.
- Novo Urraca, C. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2020. Productivity and graduality in the Layered Structure of the Word. Opaque word-formation in Old English. RESLA-Revista Española de Linguística Aplicada 33.1: 202-226.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2014. Alternation vs. Variation in Old English. Methodological and descriptive issues. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 9: 55-66.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2018. The participle in two corpora of Old English. Descriptive and empirical questions. Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas 13: 87-98.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2018. Inflectional Variation in the Old English Participle. A Corpus-based Analysis. Journal of English Studies 16: 237-254.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2019. Old English verbs of prohibition. Grammatical behaviour and class membership. Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature-SELIM 24: 1-28.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2019. The lexical representation of English verbs of action. Complex predicates and structures. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 12: 13-140.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2019. Defining Meanings by Grammatical Behaviour. The Case of English Verbs of Inaction. RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 17(1): 121 - 138.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2020. The Semantics and Syntax of Old English End Verbs. ATLANTIS 42(1): 163 - 188.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2021. Interclausal Relations with Old English Verbs of Inaction. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (RESLA) 34/2: 555-584.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2021. Old English Try Verbs: Grammatical Behaviour and Class Membership. Studia Neophilologica 93/3: 314-332.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2022. The morpho-syntactic alternations of Old English verbs of inaction. International Journal of English Studies 22/2: 91-128.
- Pesquera Fernández, L. 2011. Productivity of type in the derivational paradigm of Old English strong verbs. Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas 6: 299-310.
- Tío Sáenz, M. 2015. Regularization of Old English Weak Verbs. Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas 10: 78-89.
- Tío Sáenz, M. 2015. The lemmatization of Old English verbs from the second weak class on a lexical database. Journal of English Studies 13: 135-156.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2011. The Morphological Structure of Old English Complex Nouns. ATLANTIS 33/1: 127-146.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2011. Affix Combination in Old English Noun Formation: Distribution and Constraints. RESLA-Revista Española de Linguística Aplicada 24: 257-279.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2022. Advances in the automaticlemmatization of Old English: class V strong verbs (L-Y). Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas 17: 143-161.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2022. Automatic Lemmatization of OldEnglish Class III Strong Verbs (L-Y) with ALOEV3. Journal of English Studies 20,
237-266. - Torre Alonso, R. Old English class I strong verbslemmatisation: a morphological generation approach. Studia Neophilologica (forthcoming).
- Torre Alonso, R. Advances in the automaticlemmatization of Old English: Class IV strong verbs (L-Y). ATLANTIS (forthcoming).
- Torre Alonso, R., J. Martín Arista, A. Ibáñez Moreno, E. González Torres and L. Caballero González. 2008. Fundamentos empíricos y metodológicos de una base de datos léxica de la morfología derivativa del inglés antiguo. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 3: 129-144.
- Torre Alonso, R. and D. Metola Rodríguez. 2013. Closing suffixes in Old English: A study based on recursive affixation. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 48/2: 27–54.
- Torre Alonso, R. and G. Maíz Villata. 2014. The role of hapax legomena in assessing the morphological productivity of the Old English weak verb suffixes. Nordic Journal of English Studies. 13/3: 188-211.
- Vázquez, González, J. G. and J. Barðdal. 2019. Reconstructing the ditransitive construction for Proto-Germanic: Gothic, Old English and Old Norse-Icelandic. Folia Linguistica Historica 40(2): 555-620.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2012. Structural and Functional Aspects of Morphological Recursivity. NOWELE-North-Western European Language Evolution 64/65: 155-179.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2012. Syntactic and Semantic Rules in Old English Adjective Formation. Miscelanea. A Journal of English and American Studies 45: 75-92.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2013. Old English Adjectival Affixation. Structure and Function. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 48/2-3: 1-21.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2014. Split and unified functions in the formation of Old English nouns and adjectives. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 9: 110-116.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2015. The recursive formation of Old English non-verbal categories. Productivity and constraints. Journal of English Studies 13: 157-174.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2015. Recategorization in the recursive formation of Old English nouns and adjectives. RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 1/14: 67-81.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2016. Old English affixation. A structural-functional analysis. Nordic Journal of English Studies 15(1):101-119.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2016. Recursivity and inheritance in the formation of Old English nouns and adjectives. Studia Neophilologica 88: 1-23.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2018. Las funciones y categorías de los nombres y adjetivos afijados del inglés antiguo. Onomázein 41. 208-226.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2023. Meaning definitions throughlexical (macro)functions: Old English QUANTITY, SIZE and RANK. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 39 (forthcoming).
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2011. Review of Butler, C. and J. Martín Arista (eds.) (2009). Deconstructing Constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas: 357-359.
- Lacalle Palacios. M. 2011. Book Review. Christopher Butler & Javier Martín Arista, eds. Deconstructing Constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009. 361-366.
- Martín Arista, J. 2011. Review of Rolf Kailuweit, Björn Wiemer, Eva Staudinger & Ranko Matasović (eds.) 2008. New Applications of Role and Reference Grammar: Diachrony, Grammaticalization, Romance Languages. Functions of Language 18.1: 96-107.
- Martín de la Rosa, M.V. 2011. Review of Deconstructing Constructions, edited by Christopher Butler and Javier Martín Arista (Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2009). Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 19: 145-150.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2011. Review of Christopher Butler & Javier Martín Arista (eds.) 2009. Deconstructing Constructions. Revista Española de Linguística Aplicada-RESLA 24: 291-296.
- Vázquez González, J.G. 2012. Review of Christopher S. Butler and Javier Martín Arista, eds. 2009. Deconstructing Constructions. Studies in Language Companion Series 107. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ATLANTIS 34/1: 155-161.
Conference papers
- de la Cruz Cabanillas, I. 2006. Semantic Primes in Old English: A Preliminary Study of Descriptors. Paper delivered at the 18th International SELIM Conference.
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2017. The morphosyntactic alternations of Old English verbs of motion. Paper delivered at the 29th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature (SELIM), held at the University of Málaga.
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2018. The lexicon and grammatical behaviour. Old English verb classes of motion. Paper delivered at the 36th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (AESLA), held at the University of Cádiz.
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2018. Old English verb classes and alternations: neutral motion, manner of motion and path of motion. Paper delivered at the 9th International Conference on Historical Lexicology and Lexicography (ICHLL), held at Santa Margherita Ligure (Genoa).
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2019. Old English Verbs of Motion. Meaning Components and Argument Realization. Paper delivered at the 4th Naxos Summer School Workshop "Language Change in Indo-European", held at the Island of Naxos (Greece).
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2019. A syntactic and semantic analysis of the Old English verb classes of motion. Paper delivered at the Old English Syntax and Semantics 2019 Symposium, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2010. Lost Old English Adjectives: Morphological and semantic analysis. Paper delivered at the 22nd. Conference of SELIM, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2012. Word-formation, semantic analysis and the demise of Old English Adjectives. Paper delivered at the Medieval English Studies Symposium held at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2019. A visual representation of troponymy and Aktionsart in the lexical paradigms of Old English: the strong verb Dreosan. Paper delivered at the Old English Syntax and Semantics 2019 Symposium, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2021. A Semantic Map of Old English Lexical Paradigms: Troponymy and Aktionsart in the Strong Verb Belgan. Paper delivered at the 12th International Conference on Corpus, held online at the University of Murcia.
- García Fernández, L. 2015. The lemmatisation of preterite-present and irregular verbs on a lexical database of Old English. Paper delivered at the 27th. International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of Granada.
- García Fernández, L. 2016. Problems and results of the lemmatisation of Old English verbs. Paper delivered at the 8th. International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the Indiana University.
- García Fernández, L. 2016. The lemmatisation of derived verbs of Old English. Paper delivered at the 2016 International Symposium on Verbs, Clauses and Constructions, held at the University of La Rioja.
- García Fernández, L. 2017. Lemmatising Old English contracted verbs on a lexical database. Paper delivered at the 5th History of English Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the University of Zurich.
- García Fernández, L. 2018. A semi-automatic lemmatisation procedure on a lexical database of Old English. Paper delivered at the Toronto Old English Colloquium, held at the University of Toronto.
- García Fernández, L. 2018. The lemmatisation of Old English class VII strong verbs on a lexical database. Paper delivered at the 20th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, held at the University of Edinburgh.
- García Fernández, L. 2018. Advances and issues of automatic lemmatisation. The Old English strong class VII. Paper delivered at the 30th International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of Oviedo, Spain.
- García Fernández, L. 2018. The lemmatisation of Old English verbal forms. Corpus Analysis and Automatisation. Paper delivered at the 42nd AEDEAN Conference, held at the University of Córdoba, Spain.
- García Fernández, L. 2019. Towards the lemmatisation of the verbal lexicon of Old English. Automatisation on a relational database. Paper delivered at the conference E-dictionaries and E-lexicography, held in Zagreb, Croatia.
- García Fernández, L. 2019. Toward the lemmatisation of Old English verbal forms. Managing textual and lexicographical sources. Paper delivered at the 10th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL), held in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
- García Fernández, L. 2020. Lematización de formas verbales en inglés antiguo. Metodología en una base de datos léxica. Paper delivered at the XLIX Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Língüística, held in Tarragona, Spain.
- García García, L. 2010. Old English jan-causatives: between grammar and lexicon. Paper delivered at the 22nd International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of La Rioja.
- García García, L. 2011. Morphological causatives and syncretism in Old English word formation. Paper delivered at the 23rd International SELIM Conference, held at the University of Huelva.
- García García, L. and E. Ruiz Narbona. 2012. Does morphological simplification affect word-order in Early Middle English? The case of labile verbs. Paper delivered at the 24th International SELIM conference held at the University of Salamanca.
- García García, L. 2016. Basic valency orientation and productivity of the causative formation in Old English. Paper delivered at the 19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 19), held at the University of Essen.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2019. Old English superlative adverbs L-W. Extraction and lemmatisation with an annotated corpus. Paper delivered at the 37 International Conference of Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (AESLA 37), held at the University of Valladolid.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2019. Old English adverbs: Lemmatisation of the comparative adverbs extracted from YCOE. Paper delivered at the I Congreso Internacional de Linguística Digital, held at the University of Granada.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2019. Old English Adverbs: Extraction and Lemmatization with YCOE. Paper delivered at the Workshop: Language Change in Indo-European in 4th Naxos Summer School & Workshop, held at Naxos, Greece.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2019. Lemmatising Comparative and Superlative Adverbs from a Corpus of Old English. Paper delivered at the 31st SELIM International Conference, held at University of Valladolid.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2019. Old English non-verbal categories: adverbs inflected for the comparative. Paper delivered at the Old English Syntax and Semantics 2019 Symposium, held at University of La Rioja.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2019. Old English Comparative Adverbs: lemmatization through a Corpus based approach. Paper delivered at CAAD'19 International Conference, held at Universitat Jaume I in Castellón.
- Ibáñez Moreno, A. 2007. The Old English Suffix –gian in RRG . Paper delivered at the 2007 International RRG Conference, held at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méjico.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2010. Old English Suffixed Nouns in Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology. Paper delivered at the 22nd Internacional SELIM Conference, held at the Universtiy of La Rioja.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2011. Nombres Deverbales en Inglés Antiguo: Funciones y Derivaciones Léxicas. Paper held at the 29th International AESLA Conference, held at the University of Salamanca.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2014. Old English Nominal Suffixoids in Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology. Paper delivered at the VII International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the University of Las Palmas.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2014. Old English Nominal Suffixoids: Lexicalization and Grammaticalization. Paper delivered at the XXXVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, held at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2015. Classes of Motion Verbs in Old English. A Role and Reference Grammar analysis. Paper delivered at the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, held at the University of Naples.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2016. Constructions and Alternations with Old English Verbs of Depriving. Paper delivered at the XIXth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, held at the University of Essen.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2018. Old English Verbs of increasing: Constructions and Alternations. Paper delivered at the 42nd AEDEAN Conference, held at the Univeristy of Córdoba.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2019. Increase in Old English: a Role Reference Grammar analysis. Paper delivered at the Old English Syntax and Semantics 2019 Symposium, held at the Univeristy of La Rioja.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. Depriving in Old English: A RRG analysis. Paper delivered at the Eleventh International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held Online.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. Learning in Old English: Information and knowledge acquisition. Paper delivered at the Eleventh International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held Online.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. Alternancias y construcciones con verbos de privación en inglés antiguo. Paper delivered at the V Congresso Internacional de Lingüística Histórica, held Online.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. A Role and Reference Grammar analysis of Old English verbs of learning. Paper delivered at the History of English Language in Poznań biannual conference (HEL-P) 2021, held Online.
- Maíz Villalta, G. 2010. The Old English verbal suffix -ettan: dictionary frequency vs. corpus productivity. Paper held at the 22nd International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Martín Arista, J. 2005. A Preliminary Analysis of Old English Semantic Primes. Paper delivered at the 2005 Conference of ALS, held at Monash University.
- Martín Arista, J. 2006. Morphological Nexus and Juncture. Paper delivered at the 2006 International RRG Conference, held at the University of Leipzig.
- Martín Arista, J. 2006. Old English agentive suffixes and the asymmetry of morphological representations. Paper delivered at the 2006 ALS Conference, held at the University of Queensland.
- Martín Arista, J. 2007. Morphological constructions and the functional definition of categories. Paper delivered at the 2007 Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europeae, held at the University of Joensuu.
- Martín Arista, J. 2007. The Nucleus Principle and the Layered Structure of the Word. Paper delivered at the 2007 Conference of ALS, held at the University of Adelaide.
- Martín Arista, J. 2008. Building a lexical database of OE derivation and compounding. Paper delivered at the 4th International Conference of Historical Lexicology and Lexicography, held at the University of Edmonton, Alberta.
- Martín Arista, J. 2009. The derivation of Old English strong verbs: affix variation, grammaticalisation and recursivity. Paper delivered at the 2009 International Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, held at the University of Lisbon.
- Martín Arista, J. 2010. Lexical layers in Old English: lexicological fact vs. lexicographical representation. Paper delivered at the 5th International Conference of Historical Lexicology and Lexicography, held at the University of Oxford.
- Martín Arista, J. 2010. The pervivence of Germanic ga-: fading, grammaticalization and loss of Old English ge-. Paper delivered at the 2010 International Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, held at the University of Vilnius.
- Martín Arista, J. 2011. Recursion, recursivity and the morphological template. Evidence from Old English. Paper delivered at the 2011 International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, held at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Martín Arista, J. 2012. Recursivity and zero derivation in Old English word-formation. Paper delivered at the 6th International Conference of Historical Lexicology and Lexicography, held at the University of Helsinki.
- Martín Arista, J. 2012. Semantic Poles and 3D Semantic Representation: The Semantic Pole Sōð-Trēowe in Old English. Paper delivered at the 10th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, held at the Centre Mont-Royal, Montréal, Canada.
- Martín Arista, J. 2012. Empty morphs and the limits of lexical recursivity. The case of Old English nominal and adjectival suffixation. Paper delivered at the 43rd Australian Linguistic Society Conference, held at the University of Western Australia.
- Martín Arista, J. 2013. Semantic compatibility in Old English suffixation. Paper delivered at the 2013 Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, held at the University of Reykjavik.
- Martín Arista, J. 2013. Convergent and redundant derivation in the formation of Old English adjectives and nouns. Paper delivered at the 25th. International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of Cordoba.
- Martín Arista, J. 2014. Word-Formation Doublets in Old English Texts. Paper delivered at the Institute of English Studies-Keio Joint International Conference Old and Middle English Studies: Texts and Sources, held at the University of London.
- Martín Arista, J. 2014. Meaning-form mismatches in Old English nominal and adjectival word-formation. Paper delivered at the 35th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal, held at Tribhuvan University (Kathmandu).
- Martín Arista, J. 2015. Lexical database of Old English. Design, implementation and applications. Paper delivered at the 2015 Conference of the Australasian Association for Lexicography, held at Massey University (Auckland).
- Martín Arista, J. 2015. The syntax and semantics of Old English motion construction. An RRG analysis. Paper delivered at the 2015 RRG Conference, held at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf.
- Martín Arista, J. 2016. Why does Old English not have syntactic causative active accomplishments of motion? Paper delivered at the 28th Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (SELIM), held at the University of Vigo.
- Martín Arista, J. 2016. Why does Old English not have syntactic causative active accomplishments of motion? Paper delivered at the 2016 Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europeae, held at the University of Naples.
- Martín Arista, J. 2016. The design of a parallel corpus of Old English on a lexical database. Paper delivered at Parallel Corpora: Creation and Applications International Symposium PaCor, held at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Martín Arista, J. 2017. The design and implementation of a pilot parallel corpus of Old English. Paper delivered at the International Medieval Congress, held at the University of Leeds.
- Martín Arista, J. 2017. The Nerthus Project at the Crossroads. From relational database to parallel corpus of Old English. Plenary lecture delivered at the 29th Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (SELIM), held at the University of Málaga.
- Martín Arista, J. 2017. Causativity and reflexivity in Old English motion constructions. Paper delivered at the HEL-P 2017 Conference, held at the Adam Mickiewicz University.
- Martín Arista, J. 2018. Aspects of the lemmatisation of an aligned parallel corpus of Old English. Poster presented at the 2018 ICAME Conference, held at the University of Tampere.
- Martín Arista, J. 2018. The participle in Old English translations from Latin. Adjectival inflection and text type. Paper delivered at the 2018 ICAME Conference, held at the University of Tampere.
- Martín Arista, J. 2018. Old English verbs of rejoicing. Grammatical behaviour and class membership. Paper delivered at the 30th International Conference of SELIM, held at the Universidad de Oviedo.
- Martín Arista, J. 2018. Toward an aligned parallel corpus of Old English. Lessons from a pilot corpus. Paper delivered at the Parallel Corpora: Creation and Applications International Symposium PaCor 2018, held at the Universidad Complutense.
- Martín Arista, J. 2019. The Old English predicative: semantic relations and syntactic constructions. Paper delivered at the 31st International Conference of SELIM, held at the Universidad de Valladolid.
- Martín Arista, J. 2019. The lemmatisation of a parallel corpus of Old English. Automatic searches and knowledge bases. Paper delivered at the 11th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, held at the University of Valencia.
- Martín Arista, J. 2019. Semantic and syntactic integration in the Old English predicative construction. Paper presented at the Athens Historical Workshop, held at the University of Athens.
- Martín Arista, J. 2019. The deflexion of the Old English past participle with bēon and habban. Paper delivered at the ICHL Conference, held at the Australian National University, Canberra.
- Martín Arista, J. 2019. Old English middangeard and woruld. Paper delivered at the International Linguistic Association Conference, held at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires.
- Martín Arista, J. 2019. The syntax and semantics of Old English verbs of rejoicing. IAUPE Medieval Symposium, held at the Adam Mickiewicz University.
- Martín Arista, J. 2022. Old English Universal Dependencies: Categories, Functions and Specific Fields. Paper presented at the 2022 Conference of ICAART.
- Martín Arista, J. 2022. CoNLL-U Plus format for a Universal Dependencies treebank of Old English. Paper presented at the 2022 TALC Conference, held at the University of Limerick.
- Martín Arista, J. 2022. Universal Dependencies CoNLL-U annotation format for Old English. Paper presented at the 2022 International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the Université Bretagne Sud (Lorient).
- Martín Arista, J. 2023. Interface of Old English dictionaries indatabase format. Integrating derivational morphology. Plenary lecture delivered at the 2023 Historical English Word-Formation Symposium, held at the LMU Munich.
- Martín Arista, J. and E. González Torres. 2005. Productivity as Type Frequency in Old English Verbal Prefixation. Paper delivered at the 2005 Conference of ALS, held at the University of Monash.
- Martín Arista, J. and R. Mateo Mendaza. 2012. The treatment of adultery, fornication, incest and rape in the Anglo-Saxon laws. A lexical analysis. Paper delivered at the 2012 Conference of ANZLHS held at the University of Technology of Sydney.
- Martín Arista, J. and M. Terrazas Gallego 2014. Lexical databases and the teaching of semantics and lexical relations. Paper delivered at the Academic Conference of IISES, held at the University of Reykjavik.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2015. Grammaticalization in progress and word-formation: mismatches in the derivation of Old English strong verbs. Paper delivered at the dual conference of the 20th Biennial Dictionary Society of North America Meeting and the 9th Studies in the History of the English Language Conference, held at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver).
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2015. Making sense of heterogeneous data with a relational database of Old English. Paper delivered at the Conference From data to evidence: Big data, rich data, uncharted data, held at the University of Helsinki.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2018. The adjectival and verbal participle with bēon in Old English Medicine and Plant Texts: Bald’s Leechbook and Herbarium. Paper delivered at the 39th International Conference of GERAS, held at the Université de Mons.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2018. Participial modifiers in Old English Laws, Charters and Wills, and Scientific Prose. Paper delivered at the 39th International Conference of GERAS, held at the Université de Mons.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2019. La lexicografía electrónica del inglés antiguo con una base de conocimiento. Paper delivered at the International Linguistic Association Conference, held at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires.
- Martín Arista, J. and J. Marín Arrese. 2018. Lexical evidentiality in Old English. The adverbial class. Paper delivered at the 2018 International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality (ICEM’18), held at the Universidad Complutense
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2019. La lexicografía electrónica del inglés antiguo con una base de conocimiento. Paper delivered at the International Linguistic Association Conference, held at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2010. The Old English adjectival suffixes -cund and -isc: textual occurrences and productivity. Paper delivered at the 22nd International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2011. The Assessment of Productivity of the Old English Affixes ful- and -ful. Paper delivered at the 23th International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of Huelva.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2012. TOUCH and the search for Old English Semantic Primes. Paper delivered at the Hel-Lex 3 Conference, New Approaches in English Historical Lexis, held at the University of Helsinki.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2012. The Old English exponent of the semantic prime TOUCH. Descriptive and methodological questions. Paper delivered at the 43rd Australian Linguistic Society Conference, held at the University of Western Australia.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2013. The Productivity of Old English -cund, -isc, ful- and -ful: Synchronic Assessment and Diachronic Perspective. Paper delivered at the Nineteenth Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference, held at the University at Buffalo.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2014. Assessing the productivity of some Old English adjectival suffixes. Paper delivered at the 18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, held at the University of Leuven.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2014. Indexes of productivity: different approaches to the assessment of some Old English affixes. Paper delivered at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, held at the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań).
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2019. Semantic Primes: the Old English exponent of DO. Paper delivered at the English Studies at the Interface of Disciplines: Research and Practice (ESIDRP 2019), held at the Ss Cyril and Methodius University (Skopje, Macedonia).
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2019. Semantic primes in historical languages; the Old English exponent for DO. Paper delivered at the Old English Syntax and Semantics 2019 Symposium, held at the University of La Rioja
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2019. The identification of the Old English exponent for the semantic prime DO. Paper delivered at the History of English Language in Poznan Biannual Conference (HEL-P)held at the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań).
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2021. Identifying Old English Semantic Primes: the case of LIVE. Paper delivered at the XII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus, held at the University of Murcia.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2021. Prime identification in historical languages: the Old English exponent of the semantic prime LIVE. Paper delivered at the International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2021. Semantic Primes Identification: the Old English Exponent of LIVE. Paper delivered at the 44th Conference of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, held at the University of Cantabria.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2014. Strong Verb Lemmas from a Corpus of Old English: problems and solutions. Paper delivered at the 26th International SELIM conference, held at Morella (Castellón), Spain
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2014. Lemmatisation of strong verbs with a corpus of Old English. Paper delivered in the 38th Conference of the Spanish Association for English and American Studies (AEDEAN), held at Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2016. Lemmatisation of strong verbs with a corpus of Old English. Paper delivered in the 2016 International Symposium on Verbs, Clauses and Constructions, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2017. Lemmatisation of strong verbs with a corpus of Old English. Paper delivered in the SHEL 10 Conference, held at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2018. Lemmatisation of treebanks in Old English. Strong Verbs Case. Paper delivered in the ICHLL 9, held at Santa Margherita Ligure (Genoa).
- Metola Rodríguez, D., and Marta Tío Sáenz, 2018. A semiautomatic lemmatisation procedure for treebanks. Old English strong and weak verbs. Poster presented in the 16th Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, held at the Charles University in Prague.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2010. Adjectival paradigms in Old English: quantitative results. Paper delivered 22nd Internacional SELIM Conference, held at the Universtiy of La Rioja.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2011. Old English basic and derived-basic adjectives. Paper delivered at the 23rd International SELIM Conference, held at the University of Huelva.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2012. Deadjectival Paradigms and Pure Recursivity in Old English. Paper delivered at the 10th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, held at the Centre Mont-Royal, Montréal.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2012. Affix Loops and Morphological Productivity: Evidence from Old English. Paper delivered at the Medieval English Studies Symposium held at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2013. Distinguishing zero-derivation from conversion in Old English. An approach based on the process of lexicalization and grammaticalization. Paper presented at the 37th AEDEAN Conference, held at the University of Oviedo.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2013. Lexicalization and grammaticalization as criteria for distinguishing zero derivation from conversion in Old English. Paper presented at the Nineteenth Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference, held at the University at Buffalo.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2017. Recursive Compounds in Old English: Textual Frequency and Status. Paper presented at the SHEL 10 Conference, held at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2018. Old English Adjectival Compounds. Form, Meaning, Frequency. Paper presented at the 42nd AEDEAN Conference, held at the University of Córdoba.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2019. Morphology, semantics and textual frequency of adjectival compounds in Old English. Paper presented at the HEL-P Conference, held at the University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2013. Variation, alternation and normalization. On the boundary between Old English lexicography and lexicology. Paper delivered at the 25th Conference of SELIM, held at the University of Córdoba.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2014. Variation vs. alternation as reflected in De Temporibus Anni. Paper delivered at the Institute of English Studies-Keio Joint International Conference Old and Middle English Studies: Texts and Sources, held at the University of London.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2015. The past participle and the headword list of Old English dictionaries. Paper delivered at the 2015 Conference of the Australasian Association for Lexicography (AustraLex), held at Massey University (Auckland).
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2016. Assessing the loss of adjectival inflection in the participle in Old English. Paper delivered at the 37th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies (APEAA), held at Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2016. Partial deflexion: the participle of Old English strong verbs. Paper delivered at the 28th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (SELIM), held at Universidade de Vigo.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2016. Gathering information from a relational database to annotate and tag a parallel corpus of Old English. Paper delivered at the conference Parallel Corpora: Creations and Applications, held at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2017. Old English verbs of prohibition. Grammatical behavior and class membership. Paper delivered at the 29th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature (SELIM), held at the University of Málaga.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2017. The loss of the adjectival inflection of participles. Tense, case and text type variation in Old English. Paper delivered at the History of English Language (HEL) conference, held at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2018. Participial modifiers in Old English laws, charters and wills and scientific prose. Paper delivered at the 39th International Conference of GERAS, held at the Université de Mons.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2018. Inflectional variation in the Old English participle. A corpus-based analysis. Paper delivered at the 7th Annual Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3), held in Singapore.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2018. Knowledge bases for the annotation and tagging of a parallel corpus of Old English prose. Paper delivered at the MICOLLAC Conference, held in Melaka.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2019. Old English verbs of prohibition. Grammatical behaviour and class membership. Paper delivered at the LINCS Conference, held in Riga.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2019. The meaning components and argument realisation of Old English verbs of prohibition. Paper delivered at the ICHL Conference, held at the Australian National University, Canberra.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2021. The Semantics and Syntax of Old English Prevent and Forbid Verbs. Paper delivered at the 2021 Conference of the International Society for Historical Lexicology and Lexicography (ICHLL), held online at the University of La Rioja.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2021. Old English Prevent and Forbid Verbs: a RRG Analysis. Paper delivered at the 2021 Conference of History of the English Language (HEL-P), held online at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2014. Old English morphological causatives: textual and diachronic variation. Paper delivered at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, held at the University of Poznan.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2015. Old English verbal prefixes: their effects on the transitivity of labile morphological causatives. Paper delivered at the 22th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, held at the University of Naples.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2016. Transitivity and verbal prefixes: The case of Old English morphological causatives. VCC Symposium 2016, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2016. The effects on transitivity of verbal prefixes in Old English morphological causatives. 4th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, held at the University of Poznan.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2017. Functions and meanings of Old English verbal prefixes attached to morphological causatives and their base verbs. 29th International SELIM Conference, held at the University of Málaga.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2018. The effects of the Old English prefixes a- and ge- on transitivity. Paper delivered at the 42nd AEDEAN Conference, held at the University of Córdoba.
- Ruiz Narbona, E. 2019. Interaction between transitivising mechanisms in Old English: Preverbs and labile causatives. Paper delivered at the 43th AEDEAN Conference, held at the University of Alicante.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2010. The role of suffixation in the development of the Old English noun system. Paper delivered at the 22nd International Conferene of SELIM, held at the Universidad de La Rioja.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2011. Old English nominal recursive affixation: A structural-functional analysis. Paper delivered at the 23rd Conference of SELIM, held at the Universidad de Huelva.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2018. Syntactic alternations and class membership in Old English verbs of enquiring. Paper delivered at International Conference on Historical Lexicology and Lexicography (ICHLL9), held at Santa Margherita Ligure (Genoa).
- Torre Alonso, R., J. Martín Arista, E. González Torres and G. Maíz Villata. 2006. Gathering evidence for the development of a functional theory of morphology. Paper delivered at the 2006 International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, held at the University of Leipzig.
- Vázquez González J.G. 2010. BODY in Old English: a Natural Semantic Metalanguage investigation. Paper delivered at the 22nd International SELIM Conference, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Vázquez González, J.G. 2011. PLACE in Old English: A Natural Semantic Metalanguage Investigation. Paper delivered at the 23rd International SELIM Conference, held at the University of Huelva.
- Vázquez González, J.G. and J. Barðdal. 2015. Reconstructing the Ditransitive Construction for Proto-Germanic. Paper delivered at the GLIMS Workshop on Variation and Change in Dative and Ditransitive Constructions. Organized by Tymothy Colleman and the Ghent University Research Group on Linguistic Meaning Structure (GLIMS). February 24.
- Vázquez González, J. G. 2015. Did actually Pat throw Chris the ball at Westmynster? A Diachronic Construction Grammar Account. Paper delivered at the 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC13), held at Northumbria University 20-25 July 2015.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2008. How productive is Old English word formation? A preliminary quantitative assessment. Paper delivered at the 20th International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of Oviedo.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2010. Recursivity in Old English Affixal Adjectives. Paper delivered at the 22nd International Conference of SELIM, held at the University of La Rioja.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2012. Syntactic and Semantic Rules in Old English Adjective Formation. Paper delivered at the Medieval English Studies Symposium held at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2013. Meaning and secondary lexical functions. The formation of Old English nouns and adjectives. Paper delivered at the 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, held at the University of Reykjavík.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2013. Non-nominative passives in Old English. A Role and Reference Grammar Analysis. Paper delivered at the International Role and Reference Grammar Conference, held at the University of Freiburg.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2014. Split vs. Unified functions. A study in the affixation of Old English nouns and adjectives. Paper delivered at the XXXVIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, held at the University of Alcalá.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2016. HUNT verbs in Old English. The unexpressed object and the search alternation. Paper delivered at the 8th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the University of Indiana.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2017. Old English verbs of perception on a semantic-syntactic basis. Paper delivered at the 10th Conference of Studies in the History of the English Language Conference, held at the University of Kansas.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2018. A syntactic-semantic analysis of Old English verbs of honour and reverence. Paper delivered at the 9th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at Santa Margherita Ligure (Genoa).
- Vea Escarza, R. 2019. The argument realizations and class of Old English verbs of Honor andReverence. Paper delivered at the ESIDRP Conference 2019, held at the Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2019. Old English ‘be sorry for and grieve at’ verbs: class membership and syntactic behaviour. Paper delivered at the ICHLL-10: 10th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the Fryske Akademy in Leeuwarden.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2021. Lexical functions and meaning definition: QUANTITY, SIZE and RANK. Paper delivered at the 11th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at Universidad de La Rioja.Vea Escarza, R. 2021. Reassessing and systematizing affixal meaning definition in Old English dictionaries through a lexical database. Paper delivered at XII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus, held at Universidad de Murcia.
- García García, L. 2010. Morphological causatives in Old English: The quest for a vanishing formation. Lecture delivered at the General Linguistics Seminar, University of Oxford.
- García García, L. 2012. L. Old English jan-causatives. Lecture delivered at The Dictionary of Old English. Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto.
- García García, L. 2012. Lexicalization. Lecture delivered at the Werkstatt: Althochdeutsch aktuell, held at the University of Zurich.
- García García, L. 2018. Syntax interacting with morphology in early English. Lecture delivered at the Academic Visitor’s Seminar, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge.
- Martín Arista, J. 2006. Derivation and compounding in a structural-functional theory of morphology. Lecture delivered at the FG Danish Group Meeting, University of Copenhagen.
- Martín Arista, J. 2006. From dictionary to lexical database: the limits of lexical derivation. Lecture delivered at Queen Mary College-University of London.
- Martín Arista, J. 2007. Compounding and derivation in Nerthus: an online lexical database of Old English. Lecture delivered at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto.
- Martín Arista, J. 2007. Morphological constructions: syncretism, functional overlapping and typology. Lecture delivered at the International Research Seminar Deconstructing Constructions, held at the Universidad de La Rioja.
- Martín Arista, J. 2008 Bloomfield revisited: Morphological constructions. Lecture delivered at the International Seminar on Constructions, held at the University of Copenhagen.
- Martín Arista, J. 2008. Unidirectionality and bidirectionality in Old English word-formation. Lecture delivered at the Historical Linguistics Circle, University of Southern Denmark (Odense).
- Martín Arista, J. 2009. From the dictionary to the lexical database of Old English: theoretical, methodological and descriptive aspects. Lecture delivered at the Research Group Language Variation and Textual Categorisation, Universidad de Vigo.
- Martín Arista, J. 2009. Latest Trends in English Word Formation. Lecture delivered at the English Linguistics Seminar, held at the Universidad Complutense.
- Martín Arista, J. 2009. The limits of Old English affixal derivation: derivation by inflectional means and parasynthesis. Lecture delivered at the Historical Linguistics Circle, University of Southern Denmark (Odense).
- Martín Arista, J. 2010. NERTHUS: base de datos léxica del inglés antiguo. Lecture delivered at The University of the Basque Country, Vitoria.
- Martín Arista, J. 2010. The NERTHUS project: progress and issues. Lecture delivered at The Dictionary of Old English. Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto.
- Martín Arista, J. 2011. Uso de corpora lexicográficos y textuales para la elaboración de una base de datos léxica. Lecture delivered at the 2011 International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, held at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
- Martín Arista, J. 2013. Nerthus. Lexical Database of Old English: From Word-Formation to Meaning Construction. Lecture delivered at the English Linguistics Research Seminar (Centre for Research in Humanities), University of Sheffield.
- Martín Arista, J. 2013. Bases de datos en la investigación lingüística. Configuración y aplicaciones. Bases relacionales y ontológicas. Lecture delivered at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Martín Arista, J. 2014. Assessing the Semantic Transparency in Old English Affixation. Lecture delivered at The Dictionary of Old English. Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto.
- Martín Arista, J. 2022. Procesamiento del lenguaje e inteligencia artificial. Una visión desde la lingüística. Lecture delivered at III Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de La Rioja.
- Martín Arista, J. 2023. Interface of Old English Dictionaries. Design and applications. Lecture by invitation, Madgalen College, University of Oxford.
- Martín Arista, J. 2023. A database Interface of Old English Dictionaries. Lecture by invitation, Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge.
- Martín Arista, J. 2023. Designing and exploting the Interface of Old EnglishDictionaries. Lecture by invitation, Centre of Digital Humanities, University of Sheffield.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2015 Recursividad afijal en una lengua germánica. Combinaciones de afijos en inglés antiguo. Conference delivered at the Coloquio Permantente de Lingüística y Traducción held at thePontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- García García L. 2019. Does lability affect word order in early Middle English? Delivered at the Morphosyntax workshop of the Medieval English in a Multilingual Context Network (Cardiff, Cambridge, London, Sevilla), University of Sevilla.
- Martín Arista, J., M. Lacalle Palacios, A. E. Ojanguren López and E. Ruiz Narbona. 2015. A relational database of Old English. Design and implementation. Delivered at the Charles University in Prague.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2015. A relational database of Old English. Design and implementation and case study. Delivered at the English Linguistics Research Seminar (Centre for Research in Humanities), University of Sheffield.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2015. Doing lexicography with a relational lexical database. Delivered at the Department of English of the University of Otago.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2018. Historical Linguistics in the Digital Era: Old English Data and Digital Humanities. Delivered at the Department of Philology and Translation of the University of Vigo.
- Martín Arista, J. and A. E. Ojanguren López. 2018. Doing electronic lexicography of Old English with a knowledge base. Delivered at the Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry (CLASP) Project, Faculty of English Language and Literature of the University of Oxford.
- Martín Arista, J., M. Lacalle Palacios, A. E. Ojanguren López y R. Torre Alonso. 2021. Digitalización, procesamiento y visualización de lenguas históricas. Workshop presented at II Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de La Rioja.
PhD Dissertations
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2024. Universal Dependencies of Old English. Automatic Parsing with a Computational Model of Language. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista and A. E. Ojanguren López.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2016. The Semantic Map of Verbal Troponymy and Aktionsart of Old English Lexical Paradigms Based on Strong Verbs. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- García Fernández, L. 2018. The Lemmatisation of the Verbal Lexicon of Old English on a Relational Database. Preterite-Present, Contracted, Anomalous and Strong VII Verbs. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista and L. García García.
- González Torres, E. 2009. Affixal Nouns in Old English: Morphological Description, Multiple Bases and Recursivity. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Ibáñez Moreno, A. 2007. A Functional Approach to the Derivational Morphology of Old English: Verbal Suffixes. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2021. The semantics and syntax of Old English verbs of change of state: depriving, increasing, and learning. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista and A. E. Ojanguren López.
- Maíz Villalta, G. 2012. The Assessment of the Productivity of the Old English Weak Verb Suffixes: Quantitative and Methodological Questions. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2016. Old English Semantic Primes: Events, Movement, Contact. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2015. Lemmatisation of Old English Strong Verbs on a Lexical Database. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista and R. Torre Alonso.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2016. Some Aspects of the Paradigmatic Analysis of Old English Word-Formation. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2019. The Classes of Old English Inaction Verbs. Linking, Alternations and Constructions. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Pesquera Fernández, L. 2009. Transparent and Opaque Word-Formation in the Derivational Paradigm of Old English Strong Verbs. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Ruíz Narbona, E. 2018. Transitivising Formations in Competition? Lability and the Effects of Preverbs on Old English Causative Oppositions. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by Supervised by J. Martín Arista and L. García García.
- Tío Sáenz, M. 2019. The Lemmatisation of Old English Weak Verbs of a Relational Database. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista and M. Kirner-Ludwig.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2009. Morphological Process Feeding in the Formation of Old English Nouns: Zero Derivation, Affixation and Compounding. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2013. Lexical Functions in the Formation of Old English Nouns and Adjectives. A Structural-Functional Analysis. PhD Dissertation, Department of Modern Languages, University of La Rioja. Supervised by J. Martín Arista.
Master's Theses
- Amutio Palacios, S. 2012. Affix Competition in Old English: Suffixed Nouns. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Domínguez Barragán, S. 2018. Old English verbs of motion: Meaning components and argument realization. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Fidalgo Allo, L. 2010. Lost Old English Adjectives: Morphological and Semantic Analysis. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- García Fernández, L. 2015. The Lemmatisation of Derived Preterite-Present and Irregular Verbs on a Lexical Database of Old English. Master´s Thesis. University of La Rioja.
- Hamdoun Bghiyel, Y. 2019. The lemmatisation of Old English adverbs in the comparative and the superlative. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Lacalle Palacios, M. 2010. Deverbal Suffixed Nouns in Old English: A Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology Analysis. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Maíz Villalta, G. 2008. The derivation of Old English adverbs A-F. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Mateo Mendaza, R. 2010. The Productivity of the Old English Adjectival Suffixes -Isc and -Cund. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Metola Rodríguez, D. 2011. Closing Suffixes in Old English: The Derivation of the Major Lexical Classes. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Novo Urraca, C. 2010. Old English derivational paradigms with adjectival base. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Ojanguren López, A. E. 2014. Alternation vs. variation in Old English. The verbal forms of De Temporibus Anni. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Pesquera Fernández, L. 2007. Opaque Derivation in Old English: Strong Verbs A-F. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Tío Sáenz, M. 2014. The lemmatization of Old English Weak Verbs of the Second Class: from Corpus to Database. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Torre Alonso, R. 2006. Old English nominal compounds A-C: description and paths of explanation. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.
- Vea Escarza, R. 2010. Derivational functions in Old English affixal adjectives. Master´s Thesis, University of La Rioja.

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RGFGs, Nerthus Project
Department of Modern Languages, University of
La Rioja.
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